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  • Improve page rank for your website.
  • Most effective way to get traffic.
  • Submitted to SEO-firndly Static Directories
  • All submissions done from SEO view point.
  • Helps in gaining permanent incoming links for your website.
  • Submitted to SEO-firndly Static Directorie
  • We provide you with a complete report in Excel Format when we finish your order

Benefits of Article, PR, Social Bookmark, Directory, RSS Submission

Order to Other Submission (One Time Payment)

Article Submission

Cost $20Cost $25Cost $40Cost $75
Article Submission – 100Article Submission – 200Article Submission – 300Article Submission – 400

Directory Submission

Cost $15Cost $25Cost $35Cost $50
Directory Submission – 100Directory Submission – 200Directory Submission – 300Directory Submission – 400

RSS Submission

Cost $25Cost $40
RSS Submission – 20RSS Submission – 40

Press Release Submission

Cost $25100 Press Release Submission*

Social Bookmarking Submission

Cost $15 Per Hours30 Social Bookmarking Sites, or Different User with same Sites

Content submission is a process of writing and providing well written concepts about the topic assigned. This has slowly become one of the most popular way to promote the details of product and services provided by a business on their website. It helps the visitors to understand the basic services of the business in a consolidated way. The content can be detailed as well as in brief , the detailed contents if written in a structured way gives the best outcome, as users grasp every concept very easily.

It is very important that content written should be to the point and interactive so that users doesn’t feel bore or confused, as it will repel the customers. At ItDigitalGrow we understand this and give the best content which are highly informative, even in consolidated form, yet keep the visitors attached. Our content writing experts ensure that the topic to be explained is thoroughly researched before writing the content, so that we give the correct and detailed information. The content written by our experienced article writers are beneficial to your end users . We also understand that these content are the target of search engines so we develop the article with top keywords so that the article get ranking in search engines like google, yahoo and bing which will lead to high traffic to your site.

Our staff comprises of professionals who come from a rich academic background and they ensure the accuracy in spelling, grammar and typography by manually submitting your articles. We understand the importance of importance of time so we keep our priority to provide the high quality content should be delivered meeting your time frame and deadlines, if any. Additionally, our services are customized in the monetary manner so that it doesn’t hit your pocket but you can easily invest.

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